NY Times Op-ed Attempts to Divide the Generations to Undermine Social Security & Medicare

In this "Equal Time" edition of our blog, we push back on a recent New York Times op-ed that attempts to divide the generations in order to undermine Social Security and Medicare.

GOP Takeover, Debt Ceiling Revive Some Really Bad Ideas

Republican proposals to cut taxes for the wealthy and undermine Social Security and Medicare have come back like a bad dream with the GOP takeover of the House and the debt ceiling standoff. We spoke to our senior legislative representative, Maria Freese, about what these proposals would really do --- and who they benefit. Hint: the answer is NOT working people and retirees.
2023-02-08T17:17:45-04:00January 27th, 2023|Categories: COLAs, Democrats, GOP, healthcare, Kevin McCarthy, Medicare, Republicans, Retirement, Senate, Social Security|

NCPSSM-Endorsed Candidates Prevail in Mid-Terms

  As the country awaits full election results, The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare congratulates the many seniors’ champions who prevailed in key races across the nation.  Several candidates who the National Committee enthusiastically endorsed have emerged victorious in crucial House and the Senate contests.
2022-11-10T12:33:13-04:00November 9th, 2022|Categories: Congress, Democrats, Election 2022, Medicare, President Biden, Republicans, Retirement, Senate, Social Security|

It’s Time to Bring Back the House Select Committee on Aging

Some two decades ago, seniors had a Congressional committee dedicated solely to safeguarding their interests.  Then the Republicans, led by Speaker Newt Gingrich, took control of the House for the first time in 40 years and shut down the House Select Committee on Aging.  Today, there is a movement to revive that committee – and there truly is no moment since 1994 when it has been so sorely needed.

Aging, Health & Care: A New Resource for Seniors and Their Families

Classic movie star Mae West famously said, “Getting old isn't for the faint of heart.” Most older people probably know what she means. Of course, aging can also be a rewarding time of pursuing hobbies and interests, travel and discovery, and enjoying grandchildren, among other things. But the "not for the faint of heart" part rings particularly true when it comes to participating in our senior health care system
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