Would a Government Shutdown Affect Social Security and Medicare?

First, the good news. Even if the government shuts down at the end of this week because of House Republican intransigence, Social Security benefits will continue to be paid and customer service for retirees should not get significantly worse. Now, the bad news. The impending shutdown is symptomatic of a disorder in Congress that seniors should care about:  MAGA hardliners once again gumming up the works of a government which best serves the public when operating smoothly, without needless disruptions.
2023-09-26T11:53:16-04:00September 25th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Democrats, Disability, GOP, Medicare, Social Security, Social Security Administration (SSA)|

NCPSSM At White House for Release of First Ten Drugs for Medicare Price Negotiation

Tuesday was an historic day in the effort to lower prescription drug prices for seniors.  The Biden administration has released the names of the 10 life-saving drugs that will be subject --- for the first time ever --- to price negotiation between Medicare and Big Pharma.  They are some of the most common and most expensive prescription medications that seniors take.  These essential medications do everything from preventing blood clots and strokes to treating diabetes, and they will soon cost a lot less for the federal government and for patients.

Default Could Be Devastating to Seniors on Fixed Incomes

As the country nears a projected federal default date as early as June 1, experts and advocates are warning that seniors’ benefits could be in jeopardy. A default mean that the government will not be able to meet its financial obligations, resulting in delays for vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.
2023-05-17T12:41:12-04:00May 17th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Debt Ceiling, Joe Biden, Kevin McCarthy, Max Richtman, Medicare, Social Security|

NCPSSM-Endorsed Candidate Wins Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

The National Committee-endorsed candidate in the pivotal Wisconsin State Supreme Court race prevailed in yesterday’s elections.  Judge Janet Protasiewicz bested her opponent, Daniel Kelly, by 10 points on Tuesday, changing the complexion of the court. Liberals will now be in the majority for the first time in some fifteen years.
2023-04-05T10:50:47-04:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: Boost Social Security, GOP, Medicaid, Medicare, Politics, Republicans, Social Security|

People With Disabilities, Pre-Existing Conditions Are Vulnerable to Social Security & Medicare Cuts

All but the most upper-income seniors would be hurt by cuts to Social Security and Medicare --- the kind which Republicans have been proposing in the name of “entitlement reform.” But older Americans with disabilities or pre-existing conditions would be hit especially hard.
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