NCPSSM Endorses Nevada Democrats as Bulwark Against GOP Attacks on Social Security & Medicare

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare officially endorsed all 3 Democratic members of Nevada’s congressional delegation for re-election.  During a virtual event on Thursday, NCPSSM President and CEO Max Richtman declared the organization’s support for Representatives Dina Titus, Steven Horsford, and Susie Lee as champions for seniors, with the three members participating live from Nevada.

Seniors’ Programs in Jeopardy if Republicans Retake Majority

Any older voters inclined to put the GOP back in control of the House and Senate in November’s elections might well remember what the Republicans have long wanted to do to their earned benefits.  As if to provide that very reminder, Senator Rick Scott, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, released a plan last week that would terminate Social Security and Medicare.

Rep. Larson to Introduce Revised Social Security Expansion Bill

Next week, Social Security will mark its 86th anniversary of providing Americans with basic financial security in old age (and, since 1956, upon becoming disabled). And yet, quite incredibly, baseline Social Security benefits haven’t been expanded in fifty years – even though seniors’ living costs have soared over the decades. Congressman John Larson (D-CT) is once again hoping to change that. Larson, a true Social Security champion who introduced legislation to boost Social Security in previous Congresses, has now released the details of a revamped bill to increase benefits and extend the program’s solvency.
2021-08-12T20:40:54-04:00August 5th, 2021|Categories: Congress, Democrats, GOP, Joe Biden, Payroll Tax Cap, President Biden, Rep. John Larson, Social Security|
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