What Does the President’s Budget Mean for Seniors?

There’s encouraging news for seniors in President Biden’s FY2023 budget, even though it does not contain everything that advocates for older Americans had hoped.  The budget, which now will be submitted to Congress, includes crucial funding for services that seniors rely upon – from the operation of the Social Security Administration (SSA) to nutrition programs under the Older Americans Act.

Seniors’ Champions in Washington State Continue to Lead the Way on Long-Term Care, Despite Roadblocks

In 2019, the state of Washington plunged headlong into the treacherous waters of public long-term care insurance with WA Cares – the first comprehensive program of its kind in the country. WA Cares was born out of the realization that most seniors will need some form of long term-care at some point in their lives.
2022-01-27T16:31:10-04:00January 27th, 2022|Categories: Democrats, Long term care, Medicaid, Medicare, Republicans|
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