
Congress Shouldn’t Enact “Death Panels” for Social Security & Medicare

January 17th, 2024|Comments Off on Congress Shouldn’t Enact “Death Panels” for Social Security & Medicare

NCPSSM sent a letter to Congress today urging representatives to reject the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023. This bill would establish a commission that would circumvent Congress’ regular order for considering Social Security and Medicare changes. The bill will be marked up in the House Budget Committee on January 18. Commissions of this kind are intended to squeeze every possible dollar of savings out of Social Security and Medicare without consideration for the adequacy of benefits.

NCPSSM Endorses Tim Kaine for Re-election to U.S. Senate

January 5th, 2024|Comments Off on NCPSSM Endorses Tim Kaine for Re-election to U.S. Senate

On behalf of our 28,000 members and supporters in Virginia, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare today proudly endorsed Tim Kaine for re-election to the U.S. Senate in Fredericksburg, VA on Friday. Senator Kaine has proven himself time and again as a leader on issues affecting Virginia seniors.  He earns a 100% rating on our legislative scorecard for his steadfast championing of Social Security, Medicare, and lower prescription drug prices.

FDR Would Be “Fighting Mad” About Assaults on Social Security, Says Grandson on New Podcast

December 15th, 2023|Comments Off on FDR Would Be “Fighting Mad” About Assaults on Social Security, Says Grandson on New Podcast

President Franklin D. Roosevelt would be “fighting mad” about conservative attempts to undermine Social Security, says his grandson, Jim Roosevelt on the first episode of our new podcast --- released this week.

Upcoming Celebration Event

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FDR’S Grandson Says This Is a ‘High Stakes Time’ For Social Security

Social Security — which turned 88 years old this month — is one of my grandfather’s greatest legacies. It’s no exaggeration to say that this is a high stakes time for his landmark program.  Powerful opponents of Social Security are calling for privatization, cutting the annual COLA, raising the retirement age, and even “sunsetting” the program.

NCPSSM Launches New, National Social Security Campaign with AARP

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare is launching a new public education campaign --- sponsored by AARP --- to correct misinformation about Social Security and emphasize the program’s value to American workers, especially to communities of color.  The campaign, “Social Security: Here Today, Here Tomorrow,” will debunk myths and give workers the facts about their vital earned benefits. 

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.


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