From left to right: Ellen Morgenstern, Foundation
Director, Grace Kim,Social Security Administration
Regional Commissioner—San Francisco Region,
Dr. Carroll Estes, Foundation Board chair,
Max Richtman, NCPSSM CEO/President,
Webster Phillips, NCPSSM Senior Policy Analyst at the Hollywood
Max Richtman, NCPSSM CEO/President,
Webster Phillips, NCPSSM Senior Policy Analyst at the Hollywood
Town Hall meeting in March

Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (CA-38) with
LGBT activist Lorri Jean, moderator of the
Hollywood Town Hall

Panelists at town hall meeting: Max Richtman,
Gerald McIntyre, National Senior Citizens Law
Center, Webster Phillips, Rick Davis, Regional
Director–Western Region Lambda Legal, Grace Kim
and moderator Elena Popp, Social Justice Attorney

Boyle Heights Town Hall meeting:
Ellen Morgenstern, Jose Delgado, District Director for Congresswoman Sanchez, Carroll Estes, Webster
Phillips, Ari Gutierrez, Foundation board member,
Steve Breen, SSA Deputy Regional Director,
Elena Popp, and Rick Davis
Elena Popp, and Rick Davis

Lorri Jean leading discussion at Hollywood Town Hall

Panel of experts at Long Beach Town Hall meeting