?We applaud the Senate for turning back efforts to pass a budget which is more about ideological politics than sound fiscal policy. Americans of all ages understand we don?t have to destroy vital programs like Medicare and Social Security to be fiscally responsible. That message has been delivered loud and clear in town halls nationwide, in poll after poll, and again last night in New York?s Congressional race, where Medicare played a key role in that outcome. The GOP/Ryan budget would turn Medicare into a privatized voucher system meaning future beneficiaries would lose Medicare?s guaranteed benefit. This budget would have also shifted the rising costs of healthcare directly to seniors, doubling their healthcare costs without adequately addressing ways to contain those costs. The trigger mechanism included in this GOP budget would force the creation of legislated benefit cuts in Social Security, while also fast-tracking those provisions through Congress. The GOP/Ryan budget would have had devastating affects on millions of Americans still struggling in our weakened economy. Thankfully, the Senate understands this and has rejected this fiscal approach.?
Max Richtman, NCPSSM Executive Vice President and Acting CEO