Today is Giving Tuesday which is an international day of giving. It’s a chance for us to look beyond the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the shopping and the demands of it all to stop and ask ourselves – how can I make a difference?
In today’s political environment, that question is especially important for millions of American seniors and their families who depend on our nation’s retirement and health security safety net.
The future of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will impact the lives of virtually every American family, today and for generations to come. The heart of America’s promise to provide economic and health security is more important now than ever before. Yet, many in Washington have vowed to shred our nation’s middle-class safety net by privatizing Medicare and Social Security and block-granting Medicaid.
Your Giving Tuesday contributions help us spread the word, educate and advocate in Washington to protect and strengthen, not privatize and cut benefits you have contributed to throughout your working lives.
Share our graphics with your friends and consider giving to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare on this Giving Tuesday. You can donate today.