Commission targetNext week we’ll kick off our radio and print advocacy campaign in Washington urging Congress to oppose creation of a fast-track entitlement commission. Our National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare members and supporters have made it clear theyoppose creating a commission whichtargets cuts to the very programs, which have kept seniors afloat during these tough economic times. The Conrad/Gregg Commission proposal will be voted on during the Senate debate on extending the debt limit next week.Contrary to the political rhetoric, Social Security and Medicare did not cause our economic problems. Seniors believe fiscal discipline is needed, but not at the cost of crippling Social Security and making seniors the scapegoats for the excesses of Wall Street. You can see a sneak peak of next week?s Print Ad here. Radio ads will also run in Washington during the week before the Senate vote. You can listen to our radio campaign here. National Committee President/CEO, Barbara Kennelly, tells listeners:

?There?s a move in Congress to paint a big, red target on Social Security and create acommission to pull the trigger. Americans have a right to the Social Security benefitsthey?ve earned. But fiscal hawks want Social Security to pay the tab for years ofborrow and spend policies and Wall Street excess. Congress should understand whatseniors already know ? a commission will cut Social Security.?

National Committee members have been calling, writing, and emailing Congress expressing their opposition to the Conrad/Gregg Commission. Next week, we’ll also join other seniors? advocates such as OWL, AFSCME Retirees, Alliance for Retired Americans, American Association of University Women, Generations United, National Senior Citizens Law Center, NOW, Pension Right Center and Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) in a January 19th Call In Day to flood the Senate with phone calls against the Conrad-Gregg Fast Track Commission proposal. Take a moment and join the Call In by dialing


The National Committee has also written members of the Senate urging them to reject the creation of a commission targeting Social Security. The letter is available on our website.Still need more? ?Fast Track?, the National Committee?s YouTube video describing the Commission proposal and its impact on Social Security and Medicare is postedon our YouTube channel.