Honoring Frances Perkins, the ‘Mother’ of Social Security
"You care about this thing. You believe in it," FDR told Perkins of her idea for a social insurance program for retirees. "Therefore, I know you will put your back into it more than everyone else."
Still a Man’s Labor Market: The Slowly Narrowing Gender Wage Gap
The commonly used figure to describe the gender wage ratio—that a woman earns 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man—understates the pay inequality problem by leaving many women workers out of the picture. This report argues that a multi-year analysis provides a more comprehensive picture of the gender wage gap and presents a more accurate measure of the income women actually bring home to support themselves and their families.
Redefining Representation: The Women of the 116th Congress
Just over a century ago, Jeannette Rankin of Montana won a seat in the House of Representatives, becoming the first woman ever elected to federal office. In 1917, 128 years after the first United States Congress convened, she was sworn into its 65th session. One hundred and two years later, one has become 131 — the number of women serving in both chambers of the 116th Congress as of this month.
Elle: A Woman’s Place is in the House
Change begets change, and this moment marks not the conclusion of a struggle, but one signpost in a longer journey toward a truly equitable nation. Let the record show that in 2018, we crept ever closer to a Congress that is truly by and for the people.
3 Strikes Against Women in Retirement
Saving and planning for retirement is tough enough, in general, but the deck is stacked against women in three important, but not insurmountable, ways.
Baltimore Sun: The Long Game: Women Need to Save More, Plan Earlier for Retirement
That path took a different turn after the couple divorced in 1999 and had to divide everything from their home to their savings. Looking toward an uncertain future, Bird worked with a financial planner to map out how much longer she’d need to work and how to start rebuilding her finances. The longtime Glenelg resident relocated to North Carolina, where she’d spent her childhood and could live more affordably.