… Seniors Applaud today’s Senate Vote Defeating Conrad/Gregg’s Fast Track Commission
Following is ourpress statement after the vote:
?America?s seniors understand what this commission proposal has been all about from the beginning?finding a way to balance the budget on the back of Social Security. For too long, fiscal hawks have tried to blame Social Security for the nation?s fiscal problems even though the program has not contributed one dime to our nation?s bleak debt and deficit picture. We are thankful the Senate saw through this political fiction. They are to be commended for refusing to turn over their legislative responsibilities to a fast-tracked process that would cut benefits absolutely essential to millions who depend on Social Security.? …Barbara B. Kennelly, President/CEONational Committee members have been calling, writing, and emailing Congress expressing their opposition to the Conrad/Gregg Commission. The National Committee ran radio, print and internet ads this week and joined other seniors? advocates to flood the Senate with thousands of letters and phone calls against the Conrad-Gregg Fast Track Commission proposal. They are strongly opposed to any efforts to reduce Social Security benefits in order to balance the federal budget. Social Security represents the bedrock retirement income of nearly every American providing a modest benefit of only $13,800 a year for the average retiree. It is the only source of retirement income for nearly 20 percent of retirees and represents over half the income of nearly two-thirds of beneficiaries.Next up…White House proposals to create it’s own version of the “Debt” Commission, expected to be announced in the State of the Union addresstomorrow night. More on that to follow!