News Release

During a season focused on gratitude, American seniors should be thankful to House Democrats for passing President Biden’s Build Back Better plan. This historic legislation is the biggest expansion of the social safety net for seniors and their families in five decades.  It expands Medicare benefits, lowers prescription drug prices, and adds billions of new dollars for seniors to receive care in their homes and communities — improvements supported by majorities of Americans across party lines. House Democrats have acted upon the core value that the government should work for the people and not for billionaires and big corporationsNot a single Republican voted for this landmark legislation to lift-up American seniors and families. It is now up to Senate Democrats to get this done. We hope that Speaker Pelosi is correct that Democratic divisions are in the rear-view mirror and that Senate Democrats will unite around this transformative legislation.  Seniors and their families are counting on them.”  Max Richtman, President and CEO, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare


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Media Inquiries to:

Pamela Causey 202-216-8378Walter Gottlieb 202-276-9089