News Release

In a pre-emptive move designed to defend health and retirement security benefits for working Americans, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare is launching a new advocacy and education campaign called “Stop the War on the Working Class.” 

“Today, ‘working class’ goes beyond the old definitions,” says National Committee President and CEO Max Richtman. “It means anyone who earns a wage regardless of their level of education, whether they sit at a computer, stand in front of a class or lay flooring in a new home. If you work for a living and earn a paycheck, you are a member of the working class.”

The “Stop the War on the Working Class” campaign will fight any efforts by the White House or Congress to privatize or cut Social Security and Medicare, to block grant and cut Medicaid, or to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement that protects the healthcare of retired, disabled, and working Americans – including the ACA’s improvements to Medicare.

The leadership in Congress has effectively declared war against the working class by threatening to cut crucial programs that help keep working Americans healthy and attain a modicum of financial stability — while simultaneously planning a massive tax cut for the wealthy and large, profitable corporations.  Despite President Trump’s campaign promises not to touch Social Security and Medicare, he has surrounded himself by appointees who have advocated privatizing both programs (in addition to deep cuts to Medicaid) including HHS Secretary Tom Price, Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Vice President Mike Pence, among others.

The National Committee will fight to Stop the War on the Working Class by educating and mobilizing our millions of members and supporters and the general public. We will lobby members of Congress to stand up for these programs, including the 4 GOP Senators we have identified as a “firewall” against harmful changes to Social Security and Medicare.  We have launched a national petition drive directed at Congress and President Trump with well over one million signatures collected. We will release public polls – like the one unveiled this week – demonstrating enduring voter support for Social Security and Medicare and strong opposition to benefit cuts.  Elected representatives will hear from their constituents at home as well as on the Hill — through our legislative hotline and town halls.  We have also created a website ( with information and resources for the campaign, and will vigorously engage the public on the National Committee’s social media channels.

“We didn’t choose this fight,” says Richtman. “But if someone declares war on us, we have to fight back.  The health and livelihoods of our members, supporters and all Americans is at stake.  Working people and retirees need their earned benefits more than the rich and corporations need a massive tax cut.”


The National Committee, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization acts in the interests of its membership through advocacy, education, services, grassroots efforts and the leadership of the Board of Directors and professional staff. The work of the National Committee is directed toward developing better-informed citizens and voters. 

Media Inquiries to:

Pamela Causey 202-216-8378/202-236-2123

Walter Gottlieb 202-216-8414