August 1, 2018

The Honorable Mazie K. Hirono
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Hirono:

On behalf of the millions of members and supporters of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, I am writing to endorse your bill, the “Medicare and Medicaid Protection Act,” which would protect these programs from certain changes in budget reconciliation legislation.

The National Committee shares your support for preserving and improving the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which are providing health care to millions of older, disabled and low-income Americans.  And, like you, we oppose efforts to reduce benefits that are currently available to beneficiaries.  Therefore, we support your legislation to make it very difficult in the Senate to increase the Medicare eligibility age, privatize Medicare, reduce Medicaid funding through block grants or per capita caps, or eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion through reconciliation legislation.

Thank you for introducing the “Medicare and Medicaid Protection Act.”  We look forward to working with you to pass this legislation to help prevent cuts in health care for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.


Max Richtman
President and CEO