May 21, 2012

Dear Senator:

On behalf of the millions of members and supporters of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, I am writing to urge you to vote for the amendment introduced by Senator John McCain (SA 2107) to the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (S. 3187 ), which a llows for the importation of prescription drugs from Canada.

Although we do not believe that importation is a panacea for controlling prescription drug costs, it will help to lower drug costs and provide much needed price relief for seniors. We are concerned that some pharmaceutical companies may overcharge U.S. consumers for medications, while selling the same drugs in other countries for significantly less than they charge here. Medications brought into the U.S. must be safe, but we believe this can be achieved through importation from Canada .

For that reason, we urge you to support the McCain “Importation by Individuals of Prescription Drugs from Canada” amendment to S. 3187.


Max Richtman
President & CEO