A coalition of organizations dedicated to protecting programs which serve middle class Americans joined Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in a news conference today declaring White House plans tothrust Social Securityinto the Deficit Debate will not fly.Here is a quick summary of press converage of today’s call:

Liberal senators warn Obama over Social Security cuts in any debt deal ? THE HILL. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) warned Friday that President Obama faces turmoil in the Senate and in his reelection campaign if he includes Social Security cuts in any debt-ceiling deal.Bernie Sanders: If White House Thinks Senate Will Pass Social Security Cuts, Think AgainCrooks and Liars. Just got off a conference call with the Strengthen Social Security coalition, featuring Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). Also taking part: Charles Loveless, Director of Legislation, AFSCME; Ed Coyle, Executive Director, Alliance for Retired Americans; Terry O?Neill, President, National Organization for Women, Max Richtman, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Sarah Lane of MoveOn.org. Bernie was his usual feisty self.”The American people are very clear. They understand that for the last 75 years, Social Security has paid out every nickel it was supposed to,” he said. “It is incongruous that in a conversation about the $14.5 trillion deficit to be talking about Social Security, which has nothing to do with it.”Democrats incensed with White House over Social Security, Medicare- Washington Post. Long-simmering tensions between the White House and congressional Democrats on how best to address the country?s debt boiled over on Friday, with leaders and rank-and-file members alike fuming at reports that President Obama is mulling cuts to Social Security and Medicare as part of a bipartisan debt-limit deal.Bernie Sanders: Senators Have Told Me If Obama Sends A ?Piece Of Crap? Debt Deal To Us, We?ll Defeat It- Think Progress. The Washington Post set off a political firestorm earlier this week when it reported that President Obama will reportedly be seeking changes to Social Security as part of a wider debt ceiling deal with Congress.