Our New Web Video details the New Year?s surprise Fiscal Hawks hope to Deliver to millions of Americans in 2010
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has produced a new video on Congressional proposals to create an Entitlement Commission targeting massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare. The Commission plans would put these cuts on the legislative fast track with limited debate and no amendments.
The commission idea certainly isn?t new; however, fiscal hawks are now using the economic mess created by years of failed borrow and spend policies as an excuse to balance the budget on the backs of Social Security and Medicare. The National Committee and its millions of members and supporters know that these vital programs have provided the only stable and reliable retirement benefits for millions of Americans suffering during this devastating economic recession. Contrary to the political rhetoric, Social Security and Medicare did not cause our economic woes; instead, they certainly have reduced the suffering for millions of seniors and their families.This web video is just the latest in a long list of efforts by the National Committee to educate the public and Congress about the true consequences of this Commission, including:Latest Letters to Congress here and here. Blog Posts on Entitled to Know here, here, and here.President/CEO, Barbara B. Kennelly?s Post on HuffingtonViewpoint – Commissions, Cuts and Crisis Calls