The Office of Management and Budget is monitoring congressional actions and preparing to instruct agencies when they should begin implementing shutdown plans as funding our nation’s programs languishes amid the GOP-led Congress’ squabbling over defunding Planned Parenthood. One week prior to a potential lapse in appropriations, the OMB is expected to hold a meeting with senior agency officials to begin planning for the shutdown.
With the clock ticking, Congress is scrambling to not only avoid a government shutdown and default but also pass an extension for transportation funding and tax breaks. Will the sequester continue or can Congress find a better way to manage our nation’s finances? This political gamesmanship and inability to get anything done impacts far more than one federal program. Seniors programs like Social Security and Medicare are also in the cross-hairs.
“America’s seniors have become especially weary of these Congressional dramas as they have learned, the hard way, that Social Security and Medicare have become the favored target for budget cuts or “pay-fors” for a host of Congressional programs that have nothing to do with providing the earned benefits seniors depend on. From highways to trade and beyond, Congress continues to try and use seniors’ programs as a national ATM. The next few weeks promises more of the same”… Max Richtman, NCPSSM President/CEO
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has prepared a detailed Fall Legislative Update mapping the current legislative minefield for programs which touch the lives of virtually every American family.
We’ve identified the numerous legislative hurdles still ahead, the possible threats to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and our positions on each potential pay-for or budget cut. You can see NCPSSM’s Fall Legislative Update here.