June 6, 2013


“Last night’s debate for the open Senate seat in Massachusetts provided stark policy differences between the two candidates, Rep. Ed Markey and Gabriel Gomez on issues such as abortion, foreign policy and health care reform.  Even though millions of American seniors have already saved billions of dollars in prescription drug savings, received free annual wellness visits and preventive services and will see the closing the Part D prescription drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole”, Mr. Gomez still does not support federal health care reform. For seniors, the candidates’ positions on Social Security and Medicare are just as stark. 

While Rep. Markey opposes cutting Social Security benefits through the chained CPI and raising the retirement age, his opponent supports both…and more.   Gomez also believes Social Security and Medicare benefits should be cut through means testing.  Medicare is already means tested and further limits will likely impact millions of middle-class seniors.  While Gomez says his reforms would not impact Americans near retirement, the truth is adoption of the chained CPI will hit current retirees and means testing Social Security and Medicare targets those who are only 7-10 years away from retirement.

Massachusetts seniors deserve to know where their Senate candidates stand on these critical retirement and health security issues and we hope they will be addressed in future debates.” Max Richtman, NCPSSM President/CEO



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Media Inquiries to:
Pamela Causey 202-216-8378/202-236-2123

Kim Wright 202-216-8414
